Weather in January

Cold, windy, wet. Precipitation snow, sleet. Extreme temperatures range from -15°C to +5°C, average temperatures range from -5°C to +2°C. January is the coldest month.

Clothing – Dress in layers as museums, restaurants and stores are overheated, but you will have to walk a lot in the cold. A warm, padded jacket, scarf, hat and thick gloves are a must. Waterproof and warm shoes are a must. The melting snow that accumulates along the roads creates deep puddles that are often impossible to avoid.

Weather in February

February is a little warmer than January, but still cold and inhospitable, thanks to winds from the Hudson and the Atlantic, which are not conducive to comfort. The average minimum temperature is -3°C, while the average maximum temperature is +4°C.

Weather in March

March is already more pleasant than January and February, but it rains often. Temperatures vary from -1°C to +10°C, with an average of +4°C.

Clothing – Bring a raincoat and an umbrella. You still need a warm coat and gloves, but be prepared for warmer days with a sweater or cardigan. Lightweight rubber boots should also be in your suitcase for rainy and snowy days.

Weather in April

In April, temperatures vary between +7°C and +18°C. Air temperatures rarely exceed 20°C, but heat waves and snowstorms in April are not uncommon. Rain is common, but the warmer weather makes it easier to bear.

What to wear – Carry a raincoat, an umbrella. Replace your heavy coat with a lighter, waterproof spring coat. Dress in layers, as April in New York is also very temperamental. Wear a sweater and cardigan for warmer days. Boots should be replaced with waterproof, comfortable, closed-toe shoes.

Weather in May

The month of May is without a doubt one of the most popular times for tourists. The humidity is low and temperatures range from +10°C to +26°C.

What to wear – Bring light coats, cardigans and sweaters, but be prepared to be warm. Comfortable shoes are, as always, a must for a walk in the city.

Weather in June

The average minimum temperature is 18°C, while the average maximum temperature is 26°C. Most tourists prefer this month, with relatively low humidity, little rain and still bearable heat. In June, the mercury can rise above 30°C and some humid heat waves can visit the city.

What to wear – In June, it is not necessary to wear a jacket. A light sweater or cardigan is sufficient for evening walks, a light scarf during the day in case you are sensitive to the strong air conditioning in the subway or plane. Take a picnic blanket with you, as there will be a lot of outdoor activities in June. Shoes can be sandals, but flip-flops are not recommended in New York. Also have a pair of closed-toe shoes for cooler, rainy days.

Weather in July

July is the hottest, wettest and rainiest month. The average maximum temperature is 29°C, with heat waves lasting several days. Temperatures hover around 35°C for several days, but it is not uncommon for days to exceed 38°C.

In New York, we have the urban heat island, a microclimatic phenomenon that occurs in large cities. On average, temperatures in the concrete jungle of Manhattan are 3 to 4 degrees higher than in the suburbs. Manhattan’s summer evenings and nights are not refreshing because of the urban heat island phenomenon. Temperatures don’t drop below 25 degrees, humidity doesn’t drop, and there are no cool evening breezes. Don’t underestimate the presence of humidity, which has a strong impact on overall warmth and well-being, and therefore energy levels.

How to dress – Metro stations are on average 20°C warmer than above ground, while the metro is largely air-conditioned. You should expect this and be prepared (light vest or thin scarf), especially if you are sensitive to heat variations. Air-conditioning also appears in stores and public buildings.

Weather in August

As in July, although a little drier and a few degrees cooler, but not really noticeable in the high humidity.

Weather in September

The most pleasant of the summer months from a tourist point of view. Summer is still hanging on, but autumn is in the air. The average low temperature is 16°C, while the average high is 24°C.

Clothing – July and August weather conditions are still in effect. If you are more chilly, pack an extra sweater or two or a cardigan.

Weather in October

October is considered by many to be the most ideal month for tourists. The air is crisp and invigorating, humidity is negligible and autumn is in the air. The average low temperature is 10°C, while the average high is 18°C. The days are always warm, but the nights are pleasantly cool.

Clothing – In addition to your summer wardrobe, pack a moderately warm sweater, a cardigan, possibly a thin jacket, comfortable closed shoes.

Weather in November

November is also a very good month. The average minimum temperature is 5°C, while the average maximum temperature is 12°C. November can be brisk, but it rarely snows.

Clothing – Sweater, thicker windbreaker, closed shoes and possibly a scarf, hat, gloves for the colder mornings and evenings.

Weather in December

The average minimum temperature is 0°C, while the average maximum temperature is +7°C. Don’t be discouraged by the cold. December is not too cold, the energy of the city keeps you warm and gives you the experience of a lifetime.

Clothing – Almost the same as January, although December is less icy and snowy.